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Feel free to talk to us! 610-837-9992 Fax: 610-837-7411

310 S Walnut Street Bath, PA, US 18014

Customized for Your Needs

Some individuals may have adverse responses to certain medications. Some may also have specific preferences when taking their medicines, whether by mouth, nose, veins, or other routes. We understand that our patients have different needs and preferences with their medications. This is why we compound drugs to achieve the correct dosage, strength, form, formulation, and even flavor that is uniquely our patients’ own.

What do we do?

We can change the dosage forms into transdermal gels, topical sprays, troches, lozenges, injectables, or sublingual drops. In the event your medications become temporarily unavailable, we can also combine compatible drugs into a single dosage or as a bulk powder.

If you don’t like drugs with aftertastes, we can customize the flavor to make it more palatable for you. We can also compound your medicines to eliminate unnecessary dyes, sugar, alcohol, or allergens present in the excipients.

How else can compounding drugs be used for?

  • Treating Skin Problems
  • Wounds & Scars
  • Podiatry Care
  • Treating Thyroid Issues
  • Pain Management
  • Pediatric Dosages
  • And More

For more information, please call us today.